"Xiaoman" health tips adapt to the season of health care

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Xiaoman is the second solar term in summer.Xiaoman means entering the rainy season of large precipitation. The grain is born, and the sky is smooth, just as the folk proverb: “Xiao Man is full, the rivers are full.”
According to the changes in climate, what should we pay attention to in daily health?Here are some small full -man solar terms characteristics and health care strategies.
Xiao Man · Living Health
Xiaoman’s living should pay attention to getting up early and getting up early, “sweat is the liquid of the heart”, to avoid excessive exercise and sweating, and sweat will consume sorrow and three -coke Qi Yin.After small full, the temperature rises significantly, and the rainfall increases, but the temperature difference between temperature is still large, especially after rainfall, the temperature decreases more obvious. Therefore, pay attention to adding clothes in a timely manner. Especially when you sleep at night, pay attention to keep warm and avoid colds and colds.
Xiaoman · Diet Health
Anti -fever is the top priority in the precautions of health and birthday.Eat less spicy, bitter gourd, mung bean soup, and herbal tea are all good choices for heat.However, it should be noted that the activities of people at night in summer are gradually increasing. Staying up late is used to it. In solar terms such as Xiaoman, staying up late is more likely to cause internal heat, internal heat and heat, which can easily cause symptoms such as constipation and oral ulcers.Therefore, in addition to paying attention to diet, staying up late should be reduced.
After small Manchu, not only the weather is hot, sweat more, and more rainwater. The dietary care should be mainly refreshing and light vegetarian food. It often eats foods with clear and humid, humid, and yin.Cucumber, daylily, cream, coriander, black fungus, tomato, watermelon, catfish, grass carp, duck meat, etc. Avoid eating the thick flavor, sweetness, greasy, humid and damp food.You can also cooperate with the medicated diet for conditioning, or drink some veins to drink qi.
Xiaoman Health Diet -Winter melon grass carp pot
Efficacy: flat liver, wind, dampness, and heat.
Ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, 250 grams of grass carp, salt, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil.
Method: Peel the melon, wash and cut the triangle.Grass carp is cleaned, leave the tail and wash it.First fry the grass carp (with tail) until golden yellow, take one casserole, put in an appropriate amount of water, put the fish and winter melon together in the casserole, boil the fire, and simmer for about two hours after the fire is boiled.Add salt and MSG to season.
Xiaoman · Health Care Troubled Tips
In the small Manchu, the yang is strong, and people are also easy to be irritable. At this time, they must adjust their emotions and pay attention to self -guidance to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases from hyperactivity of liver yang.There are two good health points for clear liver qi, clearing liver fire.
1. Taichong: The original acupoint of the liver meridian.Frequent massage is too rushing, which can mobilize the vitality of the liver meridian well and make the liver function normal.
Positioning: The feet back, the depression before the first and second metatarsal bones.
Massage method: Press the tip of your thumb vertically downward, with special acidity and pain.Two times a day, 5 minutes each about each time, first left and right.
2. Sanyinjiao point: a meeting point of the three yin meridians, so it has a prominent effect on the regulation of qi and blood regulation of the three meridians of the liver, kidney, and spleen.
Positioning: The inner side of the human calf, three inches on the tip of the interior, and the rear of the inner edge of the tibia.
Massage method: Massage Sanyinjiao, first sit up, lift one foot, place it on the other leg, except for the thumb of one hand.Pressing the back edge of the tibial vertically, there will be a strong soreness.Press once every morning and evening, and press for about 1-3 minutes each time.
(Correspondent Peng Wei, a famous Chinese medicine expert in Shandong Province, a technical holder of the special therapy of Chinese medicine in Shandong Province)

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