UR fashion show, gradually let the world see China

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  Brand vitality through cycle.

  Wen | Chinese Business Tao Lue Wang Han

  This unique fashion show is UR standing on the position of the Chinese brand, facing the world.

  【Fashion Show】

  Anya, translated from Sanskrit Aranda, means “the quiet place in the world, find my place where my book”.

  On May 11, the Jinshanling Anya Valley Concert Hall, UR used a fashion show with the theme of “BE URSELF” to present Chinese brand day.

  This building once won the ARCHDAILY annual architectural award in 2022. Its design team regards it as a “building from sound departure, inside and outside, and hopes that people can see the form of the sound of ‘sound, or’ listen to ‘silentMovement.

  In the valley, the building seems to be a container of music, and the echo of fashion has become specific and sensible.

  On this basis, UR not only opened the gesture of litting the Great Wall of Jinshan Ridge, but also invited the International Show CHRISTINE LOW to lead the show, and formed a model group composed of professional models and KOL in multiple fields.

  With the appearance of the UR new season, the two overlap in the sense, so that “Freedom “The keywords are constantly emphasized in the hearts of every participant.

  The whole process points to such a spirit of the times:Being yourself is freedom.

  On this big show, Zhong Chuxi, the global brand ambassador of the UR official announcement, also came to the scene. She said:“Lighting and natural scenes make this big show more like an art exhibition. The trend is to constantly innovate, explore, and try new self, but also an expression of attitude.”

  The vitality display of modern cities, the design concept of pioneer, and the expression of internationalization … The brand concept of the UR “playful fashion” is shown to the fullest in every detail of this big show.

  More importantly, whether it is on -site configuration or insight into the trend of the times,SuppressOr the connection with the international frontier showing the details of the work can see the UR let the world see the ambition of Chinese fashion.

  [Brand vitality of crossing cycle]

  2006 is the “Fast Fashion of Fashion” in China.The European brand ZARA entered China. At a new speed every two weeks, it shocked the Chinese people.H & M, Gap and other brands subsequently arrived, and immediately set off a fast fashion boom among Chinese people.

  It was also that year, Li Mingguang, chairman and CEO of UR parent company FMG Group, opened the first store in Zhengjia Plaza, Guangzhou.

  As a super -large shopping center that once ranked in the “Top Ten Shopping Center in the world”, Zhengjia Square at that time was full of popularity.Consumers’ attention has not been transferred to the line. The large shop and large window of the top business district is an important part of the brand display style and becoming a popular symbol.

  A paved position was more than 100 square meters, and the UR, which was just born, opened up 8 shops in one breath, and advanced into the white heat area of the fashion war.

  Not only because channels are iterating from department stores to shopping malls, but also because they realize that the momentum of fashion in China has a great relationship with the expansion of the urban white -collar group.

  People’s demand for clothing is experiencing a transition from showing their identity to expressing personality.UR must go closest to them.

  A correct judgment is often the beginning of success.

  Since then, fast fashion has entered the golden age.The UR continues the luxury store model, and has successively settled in front -edge cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Chengdu. It uniformly configures high -threshold decoration, high -end scenes, and high fashion clothing. It has absorbed many loyal users and completed the accumulation of brand mentality.It has also become a participant and witness of the process of urbanization in China.

  Unlike international brands that directly copy the origin model of Zara.Because all aspects of design to production are close to the market, the UR demand for Chinese people born in China also has a more skinny observation.

  The farther people walk on the way to pursue fashion, they will inevitably precipitate their rational cognition of fashion, and they will be more harsh on product requirements.The market is changing rapidly, which will make higher challenges to all fashion companies.

  What’s more, with the development of the domestic clothing industry and the rise of fashion capabilities, “fast” in the future will not be a problem.In contrast to the products designed by ZARA on the basis of European and American figures, consumers will naturally vote with their feet.

  It is necessary to use fashion as the core, fast as auxiliary, and use competitive prices and constant fashion creativity to create the vitality of the brand.

  For this reason, the UR began to actively find the best balance point with this adaptation, fashion and business:

  On the one hand, recruiting virtues around the world, maintaining abundant creative ability, and even opening external resources, making cross -border cooperation possible, and cooperation with well -known designers Caroline Hu and Masha MA is the example; on the other hand, establishing a digital supply chainThe collaborative platform can achieve the efficiency and flexibility of the full link through dynamic detection and linkage of market trends, fabric digestion, inventory changes, etc.

  On this road, the UR explored18Year.Today, it has more than the world more than10000Famous employees, the design team has exceeded500People, on average, launched an average annual super15,000Products.

  In this regard, Zhong Chuxi praised: “The UR is actually very pioneer, diverse, and there is no limit. This is also my usual dressing concept. The UR has become my daily wardrobe. No matter what scenes and style clothes, I am in the URYou can find it.

  Actively embrace changes and continue to lead fashion.During the 618th period of 2023, UR won the first place in Tmall, JD, and Douyin, and was awarded the Caixin domestic brand brand for 5 consecutive years.This year, UR has been selected as the only fashion clothing brand to be selected to Forbes China ’s good brand TOP50.

  The thick accumulation, the UR is among the fashion leaders.

  It is worth mentioning that,Even in the era of online e -commerce traffic bones, its large store strategy has not only failed, but also has become a weapon for integrated marketing for online and offline.

  By playing offline scenes to provide high -quality content and fashion topics for online marketing, online hotspots are combined fists of offline drainage, and their social grass is easier to transform into purchasing drivers. The UR test room, high -quality store experience, etc.Become a source of stirring social media fashion trends.

  [Let the world, see Chinese fashion]

  In 18 years, it is too long for people who have been used to the new consumption to open up the drama, but for the UR, it is a necessary precipitation.

  “Most Chinese clothing brands have only 15 to 20 years of glory, but we want to go further.”Li Mingguang once said that he regarded clothing as a spiritual product.

  In other words, fashion is the presentation of social spirit. The perception of fashion is a perception of society.To find the law of this dynamic perception, and transform into the creativity of the designer team, the collaboration of the production link, the control of the inventory cycle, and even the logic and synergy of digitalization, it must be the continuous summary and exploration of the long cycle.It is impossible to achieve overnight.

  It is based on years of deep cultivation and accumulation that the UR can now stand firmly at the highest peak of domestic trendy products. Its parent company FMG Group can seize the opportunity in front of the two major opportunities in the brand to go to sea and the outbreak of domestic products, and speed up the rotating flywheel to accelerate the rotating flywheel.Turn.

  Shein has become a cross -border e -commerce dark horse through the wave of sea, but in addition to layout overseas online sales channels such as Amazon and set up independent stations through DTC models, Chinese fashion has already entered overseas commercial real estate, and vividly shows the charm of Chinese brands offline.As ZARA did that year.

  In 2016, the UR opened its overseas first store in Singapore. The location, scale, scene settings, and style were not inferior to domestic. The design and operation of local conditions were localized to the greatest extent.Later, he successively entered the core cities and core business districts of Thailand, the Philippines and other countries.

  In 2022, the FMG Group launched the leisure light outdoor clothing brand “Benlai”, which led the comfortable life with fabric technology, and incorporated the consumer groups of more age layers to the user plate.Path.

  ▲ Benlai (originally)

  Core areas, high -end scenes, high -level decoration … If you have been to the Benlai store, you will find that although the style is very different, the underlying methodology is stillFamiliar formula, familiar taste.

  Whether it is at the beginning of its establishment or now, whether it is the UR or Benlai (originally), whether it is domestic or overseas, behind the consistent brand play, it is Li Mingguang’s strong industrial vision and strategic determination.

  Today, UR already has more than 400 stores in the world, and Benlai has opened more than 10 stores for two years.And in front of the FMG Group is the local market and overseas markets with high competition but still have a lot of growth space.

  In 2023, my country’s per capita clothing consumption expenditure was 1479 yuan, an increase of 8.4%year -on -year, and the speed was fast, but it was far below European and American or other developed countries in Asia; clothing exports reached 1.12 trillion yuan. High cost -effective clothing demand is being sprayed.

  Whether it is local or overseas, the cake is still big enough!

  In reality, Li Mingguang saw such a possibility: “Many overseas fashion brands come to Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places to open shops, but there are currently no Chinese fashion brands in London, New York, Munich, Los Angeles and other ITOpening the city for 20 years in the next 10 years, China will definitely appear in China. Why can’t it be us? “

  Indeed, why not?

  Success is always accompanied by the maturity of themselves, and the FMG group that encourages more consumers “Be Urset”, in the long development process, has reached a new step.When the spirit of “Be Urset” grows with it, it spreads to every corner of the world, a more vast free alliance that covers more countries and regions will also be formed.

  This big show on Chinese Brand Day is the invitation that UR represents Chinese fashion and sends out the world.

  ——End —————

  Welcome to pay attention to [Huashang Tao Lue], know the characters of the wind, and read the legend of Tao Tao.

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  Part of the picture comes from the Internet

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