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  Dai language is called “imitation optimto”. It is the most distinctive Dai male dance, and almost all young guys will jump.There are solid dance, double dance, collective dance and other forms.Accompany the foot drum, 铓 or row, 、, and 钗.The movement is rigid and soft, the outside is soft and the inside is rigid, and the dancing posture is strong.The dancer supported the drum on the left side of the chest with his left hand, his left hand, and the right hand side danced.The dancer’s knees stretched at the rhythm, jumping quickly, lifting qi, abdomen, and chest, plus the clever coordination of the head and eyes, showing a stable, bold, powerful, enthusiastic and chic, and a strong Dai style.The solo dance pays attention to merit and charm, and the dance steps have changed many times; the collective dance is neat and symmetrical, and the formation is mostly square or round.


  The Dai people’s collective folk dance was just a men’s jump in the past, and now men and women dance.Singing and jumping on the festival.Because each singing is “Iraga” as a lining, it is named.The singing of “Irah” pays attention to rhythm and rhythm, mostly 3 words, and there are 5 or 7 words.The dance movement is concise. With the accompaniment of the elephant drum and gongs, the knees squat trembling, and the arms danced with three bends.There are also right -handed flowers to dance.”Iraga” feelings are enthusiastic and very infectious.Many Chinese and foreign guests were infected, and they could not help but go into the dancers and danced.

  Characteristic dance

  Peacock dance

  The peacock dance is a folk dance of the Dai people. The dwarf is called “Canal Po” and “Canlangluo”.There are different varieties such as golden peacock dance, green peacock dance, peacock princess dance, peacock props dance.Different forms such as independent dance, double dance, and group dance are a folk dance like birds and beasts.In the past, actors were men, as well as folk artists who danced to Tusi.

  It has become a national dance that must be danced every year.The performer of the peacock dance is the incarnation of the peacock. With a brilliant performance, it reflects that the peaceful, kind and beautiful hopes of the Dai family-peacock-the aesthetic interest of the family and the family form a unique national style.

  Axia Jumping Moon

  The Axue Moon is a folk dance of the Yi people.”Ax”, the Yi branch of Maitreya Prefecture; in addition to the festival, people love to dance under the moon, so they are called dancing the moon; because the dance is accompanied by stringed, it is called “Axian jumping music”.On the night of the month, people around the bonfire, the young man or the flute, or moved the thick big three strings, and took a circle with the girls in the festive costume to shoot and dance.Pymons, singing, and dancing, the movements are free, bright, bright, and strong, and the dance is enthusiastic from beginning to end to show the optimistic and rough character of the Yi people.

  Local music scene

  Dian opera is the main local drama in Yunnan, with a history of about 200 years.It originated from Qinqiang, emblem, Chuqiang, and Han tunes, combined with the living customs of the people of Yunnan, aesthetic taste, especially local language and folk music, forming a Dian drama music vocal singing with three types of vocal cavity of scripture, Huqin, and Xiangyang., With a strong rustic atmosphere and unique artistic style.

  On the stage of the Dian opera, there have been many old -generation actors in the art world. Their superb skills are loved by the audience.

  The lantern is a kind of folk song and dance drama loved by the people of Yunnan.It has evolved based on the minority of folk songs and folk songs and dances, with a history of about 200 years.Mainly songs, dance, have the flavor of the song, can sing, sing and dance, can also perform large and medium -sized traditions and modern dramas.The flower lanterns include piano, flute, string, Yueqin and drums, gongs and other accompaniment.There are more than 1,000 tunes. The vocal cavity is beautiful, easy to understand, and full of life.

  Torch festival

  It is mainly a festival that Bai and Yi people are popular. It is a festive event that wishes the grains and lives and animals.The torch festival has a long history. It is recorded early: The Bai tribe festival is February 25th of the lunar calendar, and the Yi Hua Taolee Festival is June 24th in the lunar calendar.During the festival, there are different rituals and fun methods in different regions.Bai and Yi people, a torch should be erected in front of the house, a torch torch of about 15 meters high, flower arrangement and fruit is erected. In the evening, men, women, and children gather in the square, ignite the torch, sing around the fire.The torch, cheerful and lively atmosphere. Girls should put the colorful bracelet lines on the fire pile to eliminate evil spirits; when the newly married guys, when the torch burn “open fighting”, they rushed up and grabbed it to “open it”The simulation knife and Ge on the fight in order to get the noble son in early; the night of the torch festival, each family also prepared a small torch, a person with a pillar, people holding a torch, a traveler in the field, and some of them also ride a fire to Mercedes -Benz, far away, far away, far away, far away.Looking at a curved fire dragon from a distance, the scene was extremely spectacular.This night, I often don’t sleep overnight.

  Bai Tuban Masterpiece

  The “master” means “the blessing of the realm and the family”, which is a religious belief unique to the Bai people.The villagers have to go to the main temple to bless regardless of whether they are promoted to make money, suffer, suffer, suffer, suffering and pain, and childhood.The owners of the Bai people in each village include God, Virgin Women, and Filial Son and Loyal High School.The temple is magnificent.Whenever the birthday of the master, the pigs and sheep are killed and a grand sacrifice activity is called “this master”.This masterpiece is very grand. There is a complete set of sacrifice etiquette. The pleasing and hearing of the sound of music and the performance of folk songs and dances have formed a unique main culture of the Bai people.

  March Street National Festival

  ”March Street” is also called “Guanyin City”.Legend has it that during the Tang Yonghui period, the Guanyin Bodhisattva came to Dali and used white language to speak scriptures.Because Dali is an important business port on the Southern Southern Ancient Road on the Southern Silk Road, March Street’s commodity economy has become more developed and gradually evolved into a rally with strong national characteristics.

  From March 15th to 21st each year, it is the meeting period of Dali March Street. Since 1991, it is also designated as the National Day of Dali Prefecture, so it is called the “March Street National Festival”.At that time, a grand rally in the west Cangshan Mountain and the foot of the ancient city of Dali, the ethnic minorities in the western Yunnan, and even the merchants from all over the country gathered, Chinese and foreign tourists have come here.The trading and art and sports events are unprecedented and crowded.The riding rider is really skillful, singing like the sea, it is really a good drama.”March Street in the year, there are people in all directions. The people of all ethnic groups sing together, horse racing singing for sale.” This is a true portrayal of the lively and cheerful scene of “March Street”.


  The Butterfly Club is at the Butterfly Spring. The time is April 15th of the lunar calendar.According to legend, it is a traditional event held by the Bai people to commemorate Xia Lang and Wen Gu in the spring of the Bai people to resist feudal marriage.

  Pumen Chaoshan Festival

  The Pharma’s Chaoshan Festival is carried out between the first and fifteenth day of the first month.People are dressed in dresses, riding or walking to the nearby mountains.In addition to sacrificing mountain gods, there are entertainment activities such as horse racing, wrestling, archery.After the picnic, choose the road to go down the mountain and not return to the original road to show the old and welcome the new.

  Dai Width Season

  The traditional festivals of the Langs, also known as the “Welcome Festival”, are held on November 20th of each year. During the festival, each family likes to use the pine branches to decorate the front house of the hall.Sheng, dancing to welcome new dances, singing and welcome new songs, and holding a grand soul -delivery ceremony, drove away the bad souls in the past year.The festival is very lively, and it is colorful and rich in songs, archery competitions, etc.

  The Naxi Stubbight Festival

  On the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the Naxi traditional holiday “Baseball Festival”. The most characteristic is the exchange of bamboo and wooden agricultural tools during the festival. Mass and hawkers in nearby rural areas set up stalls on the farmers’ market.This is a cultural exchanges of bamboo, wood, and iron agricultural tools. There are many varieties and lively.Farmers adjacent to counties, even farmers and businessmen in Dali, Baoshan, and Tibet, are sold on the rally on the rally, and then purchased the required items. The farmers in Lijiang also buy farm tools and the need for spring plowing.

  Naxi Mori Club

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