This new outlet is related to the health needs of hundreds of millions of elderly people

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(Author Jianwen Consultation, cross -border insight in the medical industry)


As of the end of 2023, the population of 60 and over the country has reached 290 million.According to estimates, by 2035, the elderly population of 60 and above will exceed 400 million, and the proportion of the total population will exceed 30%.

Such a huge elderly group has a common high -demand & mdash; & mdash; health.

Report released by the fourth quarter of 2023 residents’ health consumption index reports show that the health consumption demand for elderly people is being released strongly.

The residents’ health consumption index is cooperated with the support of Huatai Securities of Jianwen Consulting and the Institute of Health Communication of Fudan University.Therefore, it provides a reference for spreading the concept of health consumption and advocating health consumption behavior.

The calculation of the index in this issue is mainly based on the fourth quarter of the platform to cover more than 300 cities across the country in the fourth quarter of 2023 and consumes big data involving more than 200 kinds of products.

The results showed that the “three highs” (high blood pressure, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia), cardiovascular disease, rehabilitation nursing and other aspects of products and service health consumption indexes were significantly improved in this quarter.

At the index report conference, Jia Yingnan, the assistant and secretary -general of the Institute of Health Communication of Fudan University, said in an interpretation of the report that improving the health consumption level of elderly groups will become an important part of the development of a “silver -haired economy”.

What is silver hair economy?According to the “Opinions on the Development of Silver Hair Economy and Promoting the Welfare of the Elderly” released by the General Office of the State Council in January 2024, the silver -haired economy is the sum of a series of economic activities such as providing products or services to the elderly, and preparing for the aging stage.

According to relevant calculations, the scale of silver -haired economy in my country is currently around 7 trillion yuan, accounting for about 6%of the total GDP. By 2035, the size of the silver hair economy is expected to reach 3 billion yuan, accounting for 10%of the total GDP.After entering the “longevity era” in the future, the proportion of silver hair economy in GDP will increase further.The outlet of silver -haired economy is also strongly stimulating the imagination of industry and investment.

“Any economy is a population economy.” In the opinion of Wu Yushao, the president of the China Social Welfare and Pension Service Association, with the deepening of aging, the development of silver -haired economy means that related industries must make adaptive adjustments to aging society, butHealth is one of the most critical parts, “because health is the rigid need for the elderly.”

Chen Qin, deputy dean of the National Information Center Digital China Research Institute and chief economist of pulse technology, further pointed out that the people of silver hair not only have health needs, but also determine their “consumption radius”.Consumption.For example, the elderly want to go out to travel and generate cultural tourism consumption, at least require physical conditions to ensure that they can go out of the house.In other words, the health management level of the elderly will indirectly affect the scale and structure of the entire silver -haired economy.

In sight, the health consumption needs of the elderly first depend on their own health.

Data from the National Health and Health Commission at the end of 2021 show that my country has a chronic disease of 190 million elderly people in China.In addition, according to data from the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16%of the elderly in my country have disability or partial disability symptoms, and 4.8%of the elderly are in a state of disability.

In addition, in 2018, the epidemic survey of osteoporosis in Chinese residents showed that the prevalence of osteoporosis in people over 50 years old in my country was 19.2%, and the prevalence of osteoporosis in people over 65 years of age reached 32.0%.

On the one hand, people with illness or disability have the needs of products and services such as disease treatment, chronic disease management, rehabilitation care; on the other hand, relatively healthy people also need to take various ways to prevent diseases, delay aging and bodyDegeneration of function.

From the report of the resident’s health consumption index, it can also be seen that in cities with a high degree of aging population, residents have relatively higher health consumption indexes for medical products and services related to high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

If the elderly are more detailed, you can get different levels of demand portraits.

The connotation of the silver hair economy includes “aging economy at the age” and “an old -fashioned economy”.Duan Mingjie, the founder of Ageclub, believes that from mature age to age to age, consumer demand, consumption characteristics, and customer acquisition channels at each stage are different, and the category of consumption is different.From the perspective of product service providers, only if the definition of the crowd is accurate, can we truly grasp the needs of users.

In addition to age, the dimensions of the segmented crowd also include income level and cultural level.The level of income determines the consumption capacity of the elderly, while the cultural level affects the level of consumer concept and health literacy.A survey on health consumption for the elderly showed that 37.8%of the elderly mixed health consumption and disease treatment.

The differences in the main body of products and services also make the health consumption of the elderly present different characteristics.

According to the report of the residents’ health consumption index, in the population of the population, there are also health consumption models such as “filial piety economy” and “gratitude consumption”.The “three high” slow disease management, nursing beds and other products and service health consumption indexes in these areas are high. An important factor is that children who work out to work to meet the health needs of left -behind elderly by purchasing related products and services.The report pointed out that children who work out when they work out of health index monitoring products such as blood pressure and blood sugar may tend to choose products with data transmission functions so that they can also understand the physical condition of the elderly at any time in different places.

“Changes in the population structure will bring changes in demand, and further bring changes in the entire consumption scenario and the industrial chain.” Yang Han, executive deputy secretary -general of the China Rehabilitation Technology Transformation and Development Promotion Association, analyzed that the rehabilitation auxiliary device was taken as an example. First of all, first of allYou need to choose the required rehabilitation care services according to the health of the elderly. Different rehabilitation care applicable to different auxiliary devices, and different auxiliary devices also need to perform corresponding environmental transformation.For example, for the elderly in a wheelchair, the door of push -pull is more convenient than opening the door.

According to my country’s “90-7-3” pension pattern, 90%of the elderly are in the state of home pension.The key to the upgrading of health consumption for the elderly is to develop products and services around home -old care scenes.

Guan Yonghao, the person in charge of Health Medical Equipment Business Department, observed that there are four major pain points in the current consumption of pension users: First, users lack their understanding of products on the market and cannot buy it.”Now many professional products for home care, such as bathrooms in the bathroom, sitting shower, smart wearable equipment, etc., the coverage rate is still relatively low.” Second, the supply of goods is insufficient. Guan Yonghao saidThe number of domestic products is less than 5%of developed countries.Third, the combination of products and services is not perfect. Compared with young users, it is more difficult to communicate with customer service and customer service. The demand for on -site service after -sales service is more urgent. “These pain points have not yet been resolved.” Fourth, there are insufficient supply of professional talents.”The service supply cannot keep up.”

In fact, product supply, scientific and technological innovation, smart pension, service optimization, talent training, etc., are fully reflected in the General Office of the State Council’s “The Opinions on the Development of Silver Hair Economy and Promoting the Welfare of the Elderly”.

In Yang Han’s view, the development of the elderly health industry also needs to form a strict standard system through the coordination of government, industry associations and industry fields.”Integrating the truly reliable products, service agencies, and service models, many of the elderly are systematically needed.” Yang Han introduced that in Japan’s well -being industry, industry associations, from standard systems, product identification, and service agencies in JapanIn terms of identification and talent identification, a whole set of processes have been formulated.For example, each well -being of the well -being of the well -being must be equipped with two staff members with related professional qualifications to provide customers with professional and detailed consulting services in order to choose products with different functions, forms and materials according to the actual physical condition and needs of the user.

Payment willingness and ability are another important aspect of the health consumption upgrade of the elderly and the development of the health industry.”We see that groups that accept the service of pension institutions are mainly personal payment.” Li Ying, executive president of Fosun Kangyang Group, said that the elderly’s own retirement salary and payment with their children are the two main major of institutional pension services.The source of cost, and in the community home -nursing care scene, the C -end self -funding ratio and willingness of nursing products and services are relatively small.

Li Ying pointed out that the challenge of investing in nutritional industries is large investment, long cycle, and slow returns. Without a strong payment party, the industrial development challenge in the short term is great.In recent years, with the gradual intervention of the long -term protection fund payment, with financial support, the nursing services of disabled dementia for elderly groups have been developed.

Li Ying observed that in the past two or three years, not only head insurance companies, but some small and medium -sized insurance departments have begun to pay attention to and intervene in the field of pension.Regardless of whether it is an old -age institution or a community home home care scene, under the leverage of insurance products, from life to professional medical or rehabilitation care, products and service supply are increasing.

“The old -fashioned economy” is another growth pole of the silver -haired economy.The degree of health that is about to enter the elderly will also affect the quality of the future silver -haired economy.

According to Chen Qin’s analysis, the rapid growth of China’s silver -haired economy is mainly from the population born during the peak of childbearing in the 1960s.”The retirees of more than 20 million per year have pushed the silver -haired economy from the perspective of volume, but from the perspective of per capita consumption, there is no difference between the post -60s and 50s.” Chen Qin believes that the education level and income level of the post -70s must all have to be in the education level and income level of the post -70s.After the 60s, “the health management of the post -70s before retiring allows their income to be above a certain level. When they enter the age, they will have a larger consumption radius.Come to a higher -quality silver -haired economy. “


20 The People’s Republic of China 2023 National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin Https://

5 my country is expected to enter the stage of severe aging in 2035, 60 years old and above, and the elderly population will exceed 400 million

发 my country’s first “silver -haired economy” policy document issued a number of highlights to outline the happy old life map

发 National Development and Reform Commission: Silver hair economy includes two aspects of “aging economy and old economy”

视 The current status of health consumption consumption and influencing factors of the elderly under the perspective of “health aging”

我 National Health and Health Commission: About 90%of the “9073” pattern of pensions in my country is about 90%of the elderly home pension


(Author Jianwen Consultation, cross -border insight in the medical industry)

This article only represents the author’s point of view.

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