The survey shows that Chinese bankers are generally optimistic about investment in the financial technology field

China News Service, Beijing, March 28 (Wang Mengyao) On the 28th, the “Chinese Bank of China Investigator Investigation Report (2023)” jointly released by the China Banking Association and PwC shows that bankers are generally optimistic about investment in the financial technology field.
It is reported that this survey has launched in parallel in 31 provincial administrative areas (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) across the country. A total of 282 Chinese banking financial institutions participating in the investigation and interviews were recovered by 1643 valid questionnaires.
The survey report shows that in the past year, bankers have a higher evaluation of monetary policy effects, and believe that stable monetary policy is more accurate and powerful, support the expansion of domestic demand and real economy recovery, and consolidate the pattern of economic recovery.
The survey results show that among the most concerned external environmental factors in the daily operations of the banker, financial supervision policies (65.5%) and macroeconomic policies (58.5%) continue to maintain the top two, and the attention is significantly higher than other factors.Factors such as small and micro enterprises and ‘three rurals’ development policies “(26.0%),” international political and economic environment “(23.3%) and” vigorously developing inclusive financial orientation “(16.9%) have also received widespread attention.
The survey shows that bankers are generally optimistic about investment in the field of fintech, especially in the construction of scene -based financial services and digital security ecosystems, and believe that they should pay attention to policy coordination and infrastructure construction.
It is worth mentioning that the key progress and widespread attention of content generation artificial intelligence (AIGC) in 2023 has opened up new technical paths for bank digital transformation.Blockers believe that the application of AIGC in the banking business is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: to optimize the user experience by providing intelligent customer services (58.2%), realize automatic analysis, mining and insight in big data (56.2%).And strengthen the development of comprehensive risk management and risk control model (44.9%).(over)

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