The level of health literacy in our country has steadily improved

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Original title: The level of health literacy in our country has steadily improved

According to data released by the National Health and Health Commission on the 24th, in 2023, the health quality level of residents in my country reached 29.7%, an increase of 1.92 percentage points from 2022, and continued to show a steady increase.

Health literacy refers to personal obtaining and understanding basic health information and services, and uses this information and services to make correct decisions to maintain and promote their own health.An important indicator of residents’ health literacy level indicators to measure the national basic public service level and the health level of the people.

The monitoring results show that the health quality of different regions and different groups has improved, and the gap between urban and rural areas has been further reduced.In 2023, the national urban residents’ health quality level was 33.25%, and rural residents were 26.23%, an increase of 1.31 and 2.45 percentage points from 2022, respectively.The health literacy levels of residents in the east, Central and Western regions were 33.3%, 28.85%, and 24.44%, respectively, an increase of 1.42, 2.15 and 1.88 percentage points from 2022.

It is understood that the monitoring covers 33 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) of 336 counties (districts) of 1008 townships (streets) in 31 provinces (districts). The target is a permanent population of 15 to 69 years old. A total of 7,3340 questionnaires were obtained.

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