The China HRD Club visited the right to the control group to the right to explore the rapid development of enterprises

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The rapid development of enterprises is inseparable from internal efficient management.On the right, the Holdings Group, as a company that has been established for only three years, has achieved remarkable achievements in many fields such as corporate services and digital technology.Behind its success must contain unique business and management strategies.In order to explore the secrets of the Holdings Group in depth and provide management experience for the industry, China HRD Club specially launched a public welfare study tour. More than 50 human resources experts walked into the right to the right.From the right, I learned valuable experience in the Holdings Group and jointly promoted the development and progress of the Chinese human resources industry.

Here is the Holding Group on the rightUnlock the new path of employee welfare,accomplishCorporate human resources management innovation

In the field of human resources management, Mr. Kang Pengzhan, the Holding Group’s Human Administrative Director, shared the keynote speech of “doing temperature companies”.He pointed out that compared with advanced countries in Europe and the United States, the status quo of Chinese enterprises in terms of employee benefits is still insufficient, and it needs to be further improved and improved.In this regard, the Holdings Group has five service systems: the Holdings Group created the “digital wisdom platform, digital supply chain, smart education, smart health, and integration media”, which has created a one -stop service package for corporate customers, so that the enterprise can get convenient and comprehensive services for services.Support, we have obtained a new path to improve the happiness experience of employees.

Here is the Holding Group on the rightDigital malls are driven hand in hand with smart education to empower the development of enterprises

Subsequently, the Holdings Group showed its powerful capabilities to help the digital transformation of enterprises.Its “Right Come to Technology” provides corporate customers with a one -click resolution to deploy digital malls, which not only brings together more than 300,000 kinds of supply chain products, meets the diverse shopping needs of employees, but also greatly simplifies the complicated enterprises.The procurement process improves operating efficiency.In addition, with the rich educational resources and advanced technical strength, the Education Group tailored a one -stop solution for the smart education for the enterprise to help employees solve the worries such as children’s education, so that enterprise employees can focus more on business development.

Here is the Holding Group on the rightWith new media operations as the core, create a comprehensive integration media service system

In the field of Rong Media’s service, the Holdings Group successfully created a financial service system with new media operations as its core.This system opens up a new two -way service of live broadcast short video two -way service combining public domain and private domain traffic. Through professional creative production, live broadcast operations and IP construction, it provides enterprises with comprehensive and multi -dimensional brand series services.It can be seen that the technology has the strength to help enterprises to achieve closed loop in the new retail link, realize short video marketing from zero -foundation, and easily embrace new opportunities in the digital era.

Under the wave of the new era, companies such as the Holdings Group are coming to the right to rely on the keen insight and firm execution, and take advantage of the trend and take advantage of the trend.While achieving its own value, the Holding Group is always committed to helping more enterprises to optimize employee welfare guarantees, improve operation and management efficiency, and promote transformation and upgrading to maximize brand value.On the right, the Holding Group is not only willing to share valuable experience with human resources experts of the HRD Club of China, but also hopes to work together with everyone to grow together.In the future journey, the Holding Group will continue to adhere to the original intention, continue to innovate, and help more companies bloom on the stage of the new era with more professional and efficient services.

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