The Bank of China Shanghai Branch actively promotes the development of transformation of financial development

“Shanghai Transformation Financial Catalog (Trial)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) and its instructions for use were officially implemented on January 1, 2024, indicating the direction for financial support transformation activities.
Sustainable development linked loans and sustainable development bonds are currently an important tool for transformation of financial development.Before the listing of the catalog, the Bank of China Shanghai Branch exclusively led the first sustainable development of the my country Shipping Industry Loan Loan; assisting China Ship Leasing Group to issue the first sustainable development of panda bonds in the domestic market.After the directory was released, the Bank of China Shanghai Branch responded rapidly, set up a transformed financial flexible working group to formulate branches to help Shanghai transform financial development work plan, and start from optimizing the supply of financial resources, improvement of the full -process financial process management mechanism, establishment of an evaluation incentive mechanism, etc., Form 12 specific measures, overall planning to explore innovation business throughout the bank, and help the high -carbon row industry to accelerate the transformation.
Transformation of finance is closely related to carbon financial transactions.In the field of carbon finance, the Bank of China Shanghai Branch continued to open up and innovate: successfully built the stock savings system of the Shanghai carbon emission right trading system, and narrated the first batch of real economy enterprises carbon distribution pledge of innovative financing; introduced insurance credit products, landed first carbonEmail quota pledge loans guarantee insurance financing business; formulate a “carbon -benefit” green financial service plan, and land on Shanghai’s first “carbon emissions pledge+policy guarantee” business.
In the next step, China Bank Shanghai Branch will compare the directory requirements to improve the construction of the transformation financial service system, orderly promote the expansion of the pilot of transformation, and contribute more to the construction of the Shanghai International Green Financial Hub.

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