Singapore’s 90th anniversary dinner was raised 300,000 yuan to increase basketball

The Singapore Basketball Association (BAS) held a dinner to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment on Thursday (March 21), and raised about 300,000 yuan through the dinner to increase local basketball.

The money will support athletes to support the training process, coach training, physical education and medicine, training environment, data analysis and information, and opportunities at home and abroad.The purpose of fundraising also includes improving the daily training environment of athletes and providing general financial support.

Du Daren, the president of the basketball team, said: “We want to make basketball more tolerant and social, attract more people to participate.”

Culture, community and youth ministry and the Ministry of Social and Social and Family Development Director Cai Ruilong, as well as the guests of Congress and the general counselor of the basketball team, attended the event, calling on everyone to actively support Singapore basketball and express their intentions through donations.

Cai Ruilong (left), the senior government affairs director of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Social and Family Development, and Chen Peiling, a member of the Parliament and Counselor of the Basketball Team, sang the song “Long Water”.success.(Photo by special Chen Laifu)

Cai Ruilong said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao: “Singapore basketball has great potential. We still have a lot of expectations for basketball items.The players are working hard. “

Chen Qinyi, General Secretary -General of the Basketball Team, said: “I hope that the amount of money can also be used for new popular technology such as short videos and other new popular technologies. Through education, young people such as children and adolescents can get positive and useful.Learn content, create more benefits, transform into more funds, and continue to support basketball in our country. “

Liang Jiaji, the founder of Liang Yuan, the old friend of Du Daren donated S $ 50,000.Liang Jiaji said: “I said before, when my friend Du Daren became the chairman one day, I would definitely donate to support him. I also donated many projects such as swimming, table tennis and badminton.Create good results. “

Regarding the outlook of basketball, he believes: “To make a sports professional, you must train full -time players.” When asked what returns other than expected results, he laughed and said, “Without this consideration, you just want to encourage progress”Essence

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