Simple wear can also be full of fashion. Those rotten street products can still be used like this

These two sets are the perfect demonstration of black and white gray three colors. The dark -colored style will be more calm and dignified. It looks high -level and restrained. At the same time, these three colors will not be obtrusive no matter how matched.

3. Light color top+dark pants

Since you choose a simple style, it is best not to exceed three colors of a set of shapes. When the jacket and pants are only used in one color, you must use a combination of shades.

The depth combination will not make a set of shapes appear imbalance. Instead, it can use the obvious boundary lines formed by the top and pants in the waist to emphasize the presence of the waistline, which can play a thin and high goal.

4. Cotton and linen items

The simple plain item itself goes a plain style. At this time, you may wish to start from the fabric to choose a cotton and linen material with a very natural atmosphere to create a fresh style.

The cotton and linen items are very breathable in the summer. The upper body is not only very light, but also a strong sense of falling. Even if the style and color are simple, it will not lose its texture.

Second, jeans can also wear characteristics

1. Select the color of jeans according to the top

We all know that a set of shapes are durable. The most important thing is the overall harmony, so we must follow this principle when choosing jeans, and the color of the pants should echo the top.

If the top is dark tone, then we can also choose some jeans like black or gray -white, and if you want to create a fresh style in summer, you can choose light blue jeans.

2. Wide -legged jeans

It is believed that for some middle -aged women, they also hope that the simple shape can give people a feeling of bright eyes, so at this time, you can choose a very sexy item like wide -leg jeans.

Wide -legged jeans can be said to be very versatile and classic. The wide pants type can well modify their small shortcomings. At the same time, the hard fabrics that comes with jeans are also very handsome.

3. Add small details to the shape

1. Bubble sleeve top

Some small details can also be added to the simple shape, which will not only make the shape more attractive, but also modify the figure. If you feel that your shoulder is too narrow, then you may wish to add bubble sleeves to embellish.

The design of the bubble sleeves does not need to be too exaggerated, but it is suitable for your shoulder width and shoulder and neckline. This will not look exaggerated when the shoulders are widened in the horizontal direction, but it can also create a right -angle shoulder.

2. The fold element of the wide skirt

Many middle -aged women like some versions of design with wide design. In the summer, they can cover their small shortcomings for them. At this time, if you can add large folds to the skirt to play a decorative effect, it will look better.

This big fold is different from the girl’s pleated skirt. Its overall style is too atmospheric, and the lines will be longer. It has a longitudinal stretching effect. Even without the waistline, it is very high.

3. High -waist straight pants

Straight pants are actually a very common item. It is very friendly for middle -aged women with pear -shaped figure, but this also requires a blessing of high waist design. If there is no high waist, then wide straight pants will be pulled horizontally.The wide effect makes the whole person look shorter and more solid.

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