Promote international exchanges and cooperation, and seek international development of vocational education together

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Zhang Jinfu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan Vocational College of Finance and Economics, visited Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from March 20th to 29th as members of the “Vocational Education Going Give Give Give Give Give Get” to promote the school’s international exchanges and cooperation in the field of vocational education.

During the visit, Zhang Jinfu and Laos National University, Laos Su Fanfeng University, Cambodia National Institute of Technology, Taiyuan Taiyuan Economics and Industry Administration University and other foreign universities such as cooperative schools, improvement of teachers and students, exchanges, talent export, teacher trainingAnd Chinese+skill training and other aspects have been extensive and in -depth.On March 28, on behalf of the school, Zhang Jinfu signed a memorandum of cooperation with the University of Economics and Industry and Industry in Vietnam, laying a solid foundation for the school’s future Chinese and foreign cooperative schools.

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