Pay attention to the joint research center of the Chinese Food Institute with the Healthy Light Meitang and the Chinese Food Institute

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China Net Finance May 22: Today, Zimeitang Technology Group and China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “China Food Institute”) held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony in Beijing.Xu Ximing, chairman of Zimeitang Technology Group, and Duan Shenglin, deputy dean of the Chinese Food Institute, attended the meeting.The two sides reached a joint construction of “joint research center” to jointly build a “beauty and light food” scientific management system, and enabled the consensus of scientific and healthy “light life” through AI and digital health services.
(Xu Ximing, chairman of Zimeitang Technology Group, signed a strategic cooperation with Duan Shenglin, deputy dean of the Chinese Food Academy)
The “Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020)” shows that the overweight rate and obesity rates of residents 18 and over in my country are 34.3%and 16.4%, respectively, and more than 50%of adults are overweight or obesity.Some research predicts that by 2030, the ultra -heavy obesity rate of adults in my country can reach 65.3%, which is due to the medical expenses of ultra -weight obesity accounting for about 21.5%of the total medical expenses in the country.Against the background of the rise in the obesity rate of Chinese residents, health management, including weight, has become “just needed.”
Xu Ximing, chairman of Zimeitang Technology Group, said, “The problem of obesity has become one of the main health challenges facing the current Chinese people. As a national brand that has been deeply cultivated in the great health industry, we should take the initiative to act.The level of strategic cooperation aims to use the leading professional theoretical system and scientific research and innovation capabilities in the field of weight management to combine the continuous innovation and market advantages of the “scientific nutrition” strategic layout of Zimeitang.Meizi light food solution.
According to reports, Zimeitang has currently established a global digital operation system that spans cycle, leapfield, crowd, leapfrog, and cross -industrial chain. Based on this, use the strong scientific research innovation strength and industry of the Chinese Food Academy and the industry.Influence, the two parties jointly jointly build a joint research center of weight management, and started research on the scientific and efficient “beauty and light food” weight management smart service system and nutritional functional food development research.While the strategic goal of enterprise transformation, it also contributes to the high -quality development of the big health industry.
Duan Shenglin, deputy dean of the Chinese Food Institute, fully affirmed the leading position of Zititang in the extended market expansion of the Chinese big health industry. It is expected that the two parties will start with the “Meizi Light” plan under the framework of strategic cooperation.Management, core nutritional functional raw materials products research and development, and industrialization deepen cooperation, and empower to build the core competitiveness of the enterprise.
It is understood that the Chinese Food Institute was established in 1955. It is a state -owned research institution with a long history, large scale, and strong comprehensive strength in my country. It is a national high -tech enterprise and innovative pilot enterprises. The functional staple food creation of nutritional intervention in the slow patient crowd and 14 countries or provincial and ministerial scientific and technological innovation bases including Beijing Key Laboratory in Beijing Key Laboratory.Team experts participated in the writing guidance documents such as the “Guidelines for Old Heavier Medical Nutritional Treatment (2021)” and other weight -loss fields.
At the signing ceremony, the two sides jointly signed the “China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute’s Zititang Technology Group’s Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement”, and unveiled the joint research center of the co -owned weight management.By creating the “Meizi Light Food” scientific weight management model and standardized smart service system, the two parties will cooperate in various aspects such as nutritional functional food development, digital health management, consumer research, and health science popularization.Precise, better, and more personalized services, creating a healthy and beautiful life with consumers.

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