"One thing" in education enrollment in Hunan comprehensive landing education

Newspaper (Correspondent Zhu Yuye Reporter Yang Xiye)At present, all parts of Hunan are starting to register for autumn in the enrollment of new students in the compulsory education stage.The reporter learned from the recently held Hunan Province High -efficiency Education Admission “One Things” work promotion meeting that Hunan will fully complete the task of high -efficiency education enrollment this year.

The reporter learned that in 2024, Hunan Province will focus on the implementation of the “one thing” of education enrollment, which will be fully implemented by policies, technical upgrades, and process optimization.The results of the results are faster and the experience is more friendly.Specifically include optimizing registration services, reasonably arrange the registration time of cities and states, do a good job of data testing pressure testing in advance, and further optimize and improve the function of the registration platform; improve the system construction, cooperate with relevant provincial units to update and improve relevant system data in a timely manner, and optimize related interfaces on demand.Further enhanced data verification and concurrent capabilities; strengthen data collection, collect data -related data at the time of enrollment registration, and further improve the efficiency of the use of registration data; achieve “check the verification”, fully use the verification results, and admission that can pass online verification.The licenses must not be required to provide offline verification of paper materials.

Since 2023, Hunan Province has promoted the “one thing and one thing at a time” in the enrollment of primary and secondary schools. Hunan primary and secondary schools enrolled online registration platform covered all counties and cities.Registration, online verification, and online admission have ended the history of the new students’ entrance scene.

“China Education News”, April 20, 2024, 2nd edition 2

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