Healthy China | Medicine flavor becomes fragrant

The traditional Chinese medicine factory area is filled with a faint taste …
Chinese medicine people work every day in such an environment,
Over time, it seems to have forgotten the existence of the taste of medicine.
Only when people are mentioned can they evoke this sense of smell.
In 2018, Li Shenming wrote the article “Medicine”, simply telling the journey of his growth as a pharmaceutical.The lines are infiltrated with the fragrance of cotton, and they are lingering in the nose of the neck of the neck of the pharmaceutical people, and they have also become a common taste memory in their hearts.
“The medicine has sour, salty, bitter, and five flavors, but also has cold and hot, cold, warm and cooling.” The combination of different qi and taste of each traditional Chinese pharmaceutical material forms a difference between drugs.The thunderbolt, known as the originator of traditional Chinese medicine, summarizes the steaming, cooking, speculation, production, and 煅 of Chinese medicinal materials for the first time in “Thunder Gong Artillery Burning theory”.
In 1984, the “Yanshan Medicine Resources Development Symposium” of the neck Fukang Pharmaceutical Organization invited 24 famous experts and scholars such as Ran Xiaofeng, Jin Shiyuan, Guo Xiaozhuang, such as Ran Xiaofeng, Jin Shiyuan, and Guo Xiaozhuang in the Chinese medicine industry.Thinking.From hand work to the innovation and development of modern production technology, the medicines are sublimated and sublimated in the fire of fire and the taste of medicine.
From being young to the person in charge of pharmaceutical companies, the changes in the role have also given Li Shenming a deeper understanding of the culture of Chinese medicine.Modern pharmaceutical factory.
Producer: Wang Tao
Planning: Guo Haiying Wang Jianrong
Propaganda: Zhang Manxi
Coordinating: Ding Dongxia
Director: Dong Fei
Camera: Zhang Jingyao Zhou Nan
Editing: Zhou Nan
Academic Guidance of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Society
China Xinhua News and Television Network (CNC)
Traditional Chinese Medicine Times Cultural Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

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